10 Healthy Snack Ideas that are Perfect for OnTheGo
If you’re looking for easy healthy snacks that are perfect for on-the-go lifestyles, look no further. I’ve compiled a list of my 10 favorite snack ideas that can be made in advance or packed for lunch.
Make a quick trail mix with your favorite nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
The perfect snack for on-the-go is a combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. This can be made at home or purchased at the store. Make sure to include a variety of nuts, seeds and dried fruit in your trail mix (cashews, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds) and include some healthy fats with peanut butter or coconut oil. You can make your own trail mix or just buy it premade from the store. If you want an extra boost of protein add protein powder to the mix too!
Add berries to Greek yogurt for a sweet snack.
Add berries to Greek yogurt for a sweet snack.
This is one of my favorite snacks to make at home because it’s so simple—you just need a little bit of fresh fruit and some Greek yogurt! If you’re trying to get more protein into your diet, Greek yogurt can be an excellent source. In addition, the natural sweetness from the berries will help you avoid any sugar cravings.
You don’t have to stick with just strawberries; try out other types of berries like raspberries or blueberries! You can also add granola or nuts for an extra crunchy texture if that’s something that sounds good to you too!
Impress friends with your own homemade granola bars.
Granola bars are easy to make and can be customized to your own tastes. They’re also a good way to use up any leftover nuts or seeds you may have lying around, as well as fruit you might have purchased for other recipes and chocolate bars that are getting old.
The best part is that if you happen to forget about them in the oven, they’ll burn on their own without any help from you!
Carry protein powder to make a healthy smoothie anytime.
Protein powder is a great source of protein for your body. Protein powders are made from whey, soy, rice, or hemp and are naturally high in vitamins and minerals. When you add protein powder to your diet it can help you meet your daily requirements for nutrients like calcium and iron.
Protein powder can be added to smoothies or other drinks such as yogurt or oatmeal. It can also be used when baking pancakes or muffins, adding flavor to sauces like marinara sauce or pizza dough, or just sprinkled on top of regular food items like toast!
Pack healthy treats in lunch bags to carry them on the go.
A healthy snack can be a lifesaver. If you’re ever in need of a quick bite, it’s good to have healthy options on hand. But it’s not always easy to carry around healthy snacks with you while on the go—especially if they require refrigeration or are messy.
To help you make sure your next trip goes as smoothly as possible, we’ve compiled a list of 10 healthy snacks that are perfect for carrying in lunch bags! This way, no matter where life takes you (or whether or not someone else is going along with), these tasty treats will be ready and waiting when hunger strikes—even if there isn’t somewhere nearby with an open fridge door ready to greet them warmly at any given moment.
Enjoy an energy-boosting smoothie bowl for breakfast or a snack.
A smoothie bowl is a great option for breakfast or a snack. You can make it with fruit and yogurt, add some protein powder for an extra energy boost, and even add a sprinkle of cinnamon to give it a kick. You can make the smoothie bowl in advance and keep it in the fridge until you’re ready to enjoy it!
You can never go wrong with cheese and whole grain crackers or sliced apples.
Cheese is a good source of protein, while crackers are a good source of fiber, which both help keep your stomach full for longer. Apples are also rich in fiber and vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
Pack your snack in a convenient container so you can have it anytime, anywhere.
The next time you’re on the go, consider packing your snack in a convenient container. This will help keep it fresh, and also make it easy to eat anytime and anywhere.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Use a reusable container. If you don’t already have one, try shopping for reusable containers at stores like Target or Amazon. You can also look into reusable bag options or even mesh produce bags if you just want something small enough to fit in your purse but sturdy enough to hold fruit or veggies throughout the day. And yes—those plastic bags from Costco count too! Just remember that these kinds of bags may not always be available at every store so make sure you have an extra set of clothes handy just in case there isn’t any when needed most (i.e., when hunger strikes).
- Pack fruits and vegetables separately from other foods so they don’t get soggy before lunchtime rolls around again (and again).
Pack homemade cookies as an easy treat you can take with you on the go.
- Make sure the cookies are homemade and not store-bought. Store-bought cookies tend to be loaded with sugar and other preservatives.
- Make sure the ingredients are healthy. Instead of using white flour, opt for whole wheat flour instead. You can also swap out refined sugars for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup.
- Pack your cookies in a container that is easy to carry on the go, such as a plastic bag or Tupperware container with a lid so you don’t make a mess when you eat them!
- Consider making bite-sized pieces of your cookie dough so they’re easier to eat on the go!
There are plenty of options if you are looking for easy healthy snacks that are perfect for on-the-go lifestyles.
There are plenty of options if you are looking for easy healthy snacks that are perfect for on-the-go lifestyles. Some of these snacks can be made at home, while others can be bought ready-made. Some healthy snacks will be more portable than others but no matter what your preference is, it is important to have a few healthy snack options available when traveling so that you don’t feel tempted by unhealthy choices.
You don’t have to settle for unhealthy snacks when you are on the go. By making a few changes to your routine and packing some of these quick, healthy snacks, you can feel better about what you eat and be more productive throughout the day.